Light 4 Art

Optical Coherence Tomography images, or an online Exhibition of what Art can be created by Light in action

All images have been obtained in the process of several funded grants with the Applied Optics Group, own assembled systems of optical coherence tomography. Images have been collated by Dr. Manuel Marques.

From left to right: colour-coded depth projection of a crow’s (or magpie’s?) feather, showing the microstructures in it; colour-coded depth projection (yellow: shallow; purple: deep) of a freshly cut potato.
From left to right: 3-D render of the same volume covering the freshly cut potato, showing the individual potato cells; colour-coded depth projection of the side of a blueberry, showing the cells inside the fruit.
From left to right: Colour-coded depth projection of the skin and internal cells of a blueberry; 3-D render of a thin slice of potato cells (the thickness of this layer was obtained in software, the physical structure which generated this data was significantly thicker).
Animation of a 3-D render of the same spider presented above.
Animation of a 3-D render of the same seashell presented above.
Animation of a 3-D render of the same blueberry stem scar presented above.
3-D render (depth colour-coded) of the area around the stem of a red chilli pepper.
Volume render of human fingernail and nail fold.

Two 3-D renders of the side of human thumbs: one with a big callused structure and one without.

Thumb w/ no callus
Thumb w/ callus

Full three-dimensional volume of the anterior chamber (front section) of a human eye, including eyelids and eyelashes.
3-D volume of the central part of the human retina of a volunteer (fovea centralis)
Several renders of the surface of a human fingertip, showing the sweat ducts and pores, along with the fingerprint crevices.
From L to R: single sweat duct/pore extracted from the volumes above; polarisation-sensitive image of a human fingernail (the colour represents the orientation of the polarising structures in the sample, namely the keratin in the nail and the collagen (?) in the dermal tissue. This polarisation image is a depth cut (depth: vertical; transversal direction: horizontal)
More depth cuts showing the polarisation state of structures in the finger of a human volunteer. Second skin layer (stratum spinosium) has very homogeneous pockets of orientation of the structures.
From L to R: colour-coded depth projection of a 3-D printed part (hollow cylinder); volume render of an oil paint sample on canvas, showing the striations caused by the pain bristles.
From L to R: 3-D render of a 3-D printed part. Newton’s rings (interference pattern) observed through a fibre bundle, part of an endoscope.
From L to R: tip of a projectile fired by the SPS light gas gun, imaged through aerogel; foils which have been impacted at high velocities, showing one crater resulting from such impacts. These foils are used to cover spacecraft upon re-entry, and are analysed by the planetary impact group at SPS.
L: 3-D render of a small section of white paper, showing paper fibres. (OR SPECKLE GRAINS?)
R: 3-D render of a small micro-printed structure, 50 um in diameter.
Images depicting the orientation of polarising structures within a plastic comb (top blob is one of the comb’s teeth).
Colour-coded depth projection of a tape pull containing small textile fibres.