Partnerships within the 3 main sub-themes, A, B and C

Each partnership represents groups of interests of more than two different schools. The first sets of brackets represents the school responsible for the respective partnership.

Sub-theme A:

Light for Science and Medicine: Light for Medicine, Biosciences, Communications,Engineering and Physical Sciences

This sub-theme will focus on Kent researchers who are developing new light-based technologies (and supporting computational capabilities) for faster communications, green energy and biomedical imaging.  It will encourage greater dialogue with users of light technology, particularly those working in biological sciences and pharmacy, where light is employed in a range of advanced microscopy and sensing techniques, as well as physiology, medicine and global development, where light is the basis of a rapidly developing field of minimally invasive diagnostics and interventional guidance. This sub-theme will link all members of the theme with a shared pool of clinicians in collaborating NHS Trusts in Kent, London and beyond (see example letters of support), and eventually our own new medical school.

A1. Light for Medical Imaging (AOG/SPS): Ophthalmology and optometry, ((A.Podoleanu,A.Bradu,G.Dobre)/SPS+P.Lee/EDA); Endoscopy (A.Podoleanu,M.Hughes/SPS+M.Garrett/SoB+S.Krusch/SMAS),(J.Ang/EDA);Image processing (C.Solomon, S.Gibson/SPS+M.Batty/SoC) +G.Lall/MSoP; Imaging suite at animal facility in Sandwich (AOG/SPS+G.Lall/MSoP+D.Griffin/SoB); Algorithms  (A.Bradu/SPS)+(A.Hone, A.Kume)/SMAS).

A2. Light for Cancer (SoB): Imaging instrumentation (A.Podoleanu,A.Bradu,M.Hughes/SPS); Contrast agents (G.Dobre,R.Barker/SPS); Sensing for microfluidics (A.Podoleanu,M.Hughes,A.Bradu/SPS); Circulating tumour cells (A.Podoleanu/SPS+V.Gubala/MSoP); Drug delivery assessed by light (A.Podoleanu/SPS+(M.Garrett, N.Kad)/SoB+V.Sumbayev/MSoP), contrast agents for theranostics (AOG/SPS+M.Garrett/SoB).

A3. Light for Reproduction, Embryology, Photobioreaction and Microscopy  (CISOR/SoB): Imaging and measurements for IVF and CISOR (D.Griffin,G.Robinson/SoB+(A.Podoelanu,ABradu)/SPS); Imaging Drosophila (A.Podoleanu,A.Bradu)/SPS+P.Phelan/SoB)); Tadpole studies (A.Bradu/SPS+S.Koutsikou/MSoP), Plants, Algae, Photosynthesis (G. Robinson/SoB+A.Podoleanu/SPS); United microscopy suite for teaching and research (Confocal suite in SoB, OCT labs in the AOG/SPS);

A4. Light and Energy (FMG/SPS): Laser physics ((A.Podoleanu,G.Dobre)/SPS), Convert Energy Ltd); Energy and environment (G.Dobre,M.Green/SPS); Nonlinear conversion, quantum optics (SPS); micro CT combined with OCT (A.Podoleanu/SPS+M.Skinner/SoAC).

A5. Light for Communications (EDA):  Sparse communications ((N.Gomes,C.Wang)/EDA+S.Gibson/SPS); Optical communications, radio over fibre (N.Gomes,C.Wang)/EDA+A.Podoleanu/SPS); Waveguides and integrated optics (AOG/SPS+I.Wood/SMA+C.Wang/EDA).

A6. Light in Space (CAPS/SPS): Space observation, adaptive optics for telescopes (CAPS/SPS+AOG/SPS+A.Kume/SMAS); Zernike polynomials (SK/SMAS); interferometry for spacecraft; OCT testing of panspermia results after gas gun impacts (M.Burchell/SPS);  NDT of space debris (AOG+CAPS).

A7. Light for Sensing (AOG/SPS): Fibre sensors for medical diagnosis ((AOG+C.Solomon+R.Barker)/SPS); laser tweezers (A.Podoleanu/SPS+N.Kad/SoB); ultra-fast scanning of cells for biosciences, organoid on a chip, theranostics  ((A.Podoleanu,G.Dobre)/SPS+N.Kad/SoB+(F.Deravi+C.Wang)/EDA), microfluidics (R.Barker/SPS+V.Gubala/MSoP).

A8. Light for materials (SPS): photonic materials, photonics crystal fibre, nonlinear optics ((A.Hone+I.Woods)/SMAS+(C.Serpell/SPS+, many other colleagues in SPS).

A9. Light for GCRF and low resource settings (EDA): Light for smart illumination, Energy efficient cities, projects with social impact ((F.Deravi,J.Ang)/EDA+M.Batty/SoC+AOG)

A10. Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Light and Light for AI (SoC): AI in design of Photonics materials, AI in diagnose based OCT, optical computers for AI, graphic cards and FPGAS for AI in OCT ((H.Bowman+M.Batty)/SoC+(M.Green+S.Gibson+A.Podoleanu)/SPS +P.Lee/EDA).

Sub-theme B:

Light for the World: Light for Anthropology, Conservation, Forensic Sciences, Heritage and Infrastructures

This sub-theme offers the potential for highly novel applications of light in areas where Kent has existing strengths, including anthropology, heritage, forensic science and architecture. The role of light science in supporting these social science and humanities disciplines is currently poorly explored, offering the potential for new interdisciplinary work which is entirely unique to Kent. It will build on initial enabling work carried out in Kent, including the use of optical imaging to study artists underdrawings and to image tattoos for forensic purposes.

B1. Light for Forensic sciences (SoAC): Illegal wildlife trade (D.Roberts/SoAC+AOG); Skeletal biology research (AOG/SPS+C.Deter/SoAC+S.Vigneron/KLS); Skin and fingerprints (A.Podoleanu, R.Green/SPS); Tattoos (A.Podoleanu, R.Green)/SPS+C.Deter/SoAC); Counterfeit detection ((W.Gee, R.Green, AOG)/SPS); Security (F.Deravi/EDA+A.Bradu/SPS); Face recognition, (C.Solomon,S.Gibson)/SPS+F.Deravi/EDA).

B2. Light for Heritage (KLS): Heritage (S.Vigneron/KLS+AOG/SP+H.Griffin/KSAP, L.Moran/ICCI), Art conservation (A.Podoleanu,M.Hughes/SPS+M.Hammer/SoA+C.Deter/SoAC); Scanning for objects of art (L.Lavan/SECL+R.v.Jungenfeld /EDA+AOG/SPS).

B3. Light for Architecture (KSAP): Light in architecture and urban planning, lighting design, projection artists, plans for Light Festival KSAP+EDA+AOG/SPS; Atmosphere studies in architecture, environmental studies, leisure studies, (F.V.Rhee/SoA+G.Dobre/SPS+H.Griffin/KSAP).

Sub-theme C:

Light for the Mind: Light for the Arts, Cognitive Sciences, Neuroscience, Psychology, Physiology, Well Being and Moods

The sub-theme will provide a focus for research in which light touches the human mind, ranging from work on colour perception and the human visual system, to the arts, photography, theatre and cinema, where the use of light is often central to the creative process. Here, we will forge new links between those who see light in totally different ways, challenging academics and the regional community to find new ways of working together, and to improve our understanding of the ways light affects our physiology, our moods and our feelings.

C1. Light for Neuroscience (SoC): Deception and state of mind ((AOG/SPS+H.Bowman/SoC + (Z.Bergstrom, M.Ponari, J.L.Wood)/SoP); Optical systems for neuronal activity ((C.Solomon,S.Gibson)/SPS+H.Bowman/SoC+ (M.Ponari,J.L.Wood/SoP) + N.Kad/SoB+G.Davison/SSES)). Colour perception, seeing the unseen ((A.Podoleanu,A.Bradu)/SPS+ M.Newall/SoA+ R.v.Jungenfeldi)/EDA.

C2. Light for Physiology (SSES): (H.Bowman/SoC+SoP): electrophysiological responses, which could be replaced with pupil dilation, muscular near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and brain oxygenation (M.Burnley, G.Davison, J.Dickinson, L.Hale, L.Mauger, S.Winter /SSES+A.Podoleanu/SPS); Muscular and cerebral near infrared scattering (NIRS) to measure acute and chronic changes in muscle and brain oxygenation during exercise, chest movement patterns in physical exercise, Optical methods to quantify  stress and strain in muscle (M.Burnley, G.Davison, J.Dickinson, L.Hale, L.Mauger, S.Winter)/SSES + G.Dobre/SPS +Y. Ushkaryov/MSoP).

C3. Light for the Performing and Fine Arts, photography and cinematography (SoA): Light-driven atmospheres in theatre, performance, and fine art ((M.Newall, R.Misek, F.Vass-Rhee)/SoA)+L.Moran/ICCI); Light and colour in art, and colour in aesthetics and philosophy ((E.Deprez, J.Friday, R.Misek, M.Newall)/SoA+L.Moran/ICCI+R.v.Jugenfel/EDA);

C4. Light for Understanding of the creative process, through revelation of under drawings and compositional adjustments (M.Hammer/SoA+(A.Podoleanu, M.Hughes, G.Dobre)/SPS).

C5. Optical assessment of visual system to serve neurosciences in humans (AOG/SPS+H.Bowman/SoC+(J.Ang, F.Deravi, R.v.Jungenfeldi)/EDA) and in animals (G.Lall/SoP + A.Podoleanu/SPS).

C6. Light for Life coded in different meanings of terms (AOG/SPS+ L.Moran/ICCI + E.Deprez/SoA+R.v.Jungenfeldi/EDA).